The MBA Application Process, Part 6: The Importance of Business School Application Essays (and How to Write Them)
The MBA application requires providing business schools with a lot of statistical and discrete information about yourself—your undergraduate transcript and GPA, GMAT and/or GRE scores (and verbal and quantitative breakdowns), current employer, past employers, salaries, bonuses, place of birth, date of birth, and so on. Yet these facts tell only part of your story. Your application essays are your primary opportunity to showcase who you are and what makes you you, including your motivations, values, and personal struggles and triumphs. But effectively sharing these aspects of yourself in an essay is an art.
In Part 6 of our nine-part series on the MBA application process, we will detail how and why business schools use essays in the application process, break down how to write an effective story essay, and offer several tips for better writing. MBA applicants are often surprised by how different writing an essay for a business school application is from what they remember from their academic days. This video is helpful not only for writing novices but also for anyone who has already mastered good writing.